The Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN) provides broadband internet connections and related information services to Ohio public libraries. Our primary mission is to ensure that all Ohio residents have fast, free public internet access through the 251 independent local public library systems in Ohio, as well as the use of high-quality research databases not freely available online. Though the eventual consumers of our services are often members of the general public, our actual customers are in fact limited to the public library systems of Ohio.
OPLIN is headed by Director Don Yarman and the OPLIN Board of Trustees. The OPLIN staff other than the director consists of five people: Jessica Dooley the Library Technology Project Manager; Laura Solomon, Library Services Manager; Christine Morris, Digital Services Manager; Derek Zoladz, Software Developer and Vince Riley, Network Support.
OPLIN receives extensive fiscal and logistical support service from the State Library of Ohio and contracts with the Ohio Office of Information Technology for assistance with network management. As a result, only about 10% of the OPLIN budget is used for administrative costs such as personnel, rent, equipment, and supplies. The remainder of the budget is used to purchase the services we provide to Ohio public libraries, primarily Internet telecommunications and subscriptions to basic information databases. Because OPLIN provides these services, public libraries do not need to pay for them from their individual budgets.
- How is the word "OPLIN" actually pronounced?
It has a long "O" as in "Ohio." In other words, it's not pronounced "AH-plin." It's actually "OH-plin."
- How does OPLIN fit into Ohio's library organization structure?
OPLIN is an independent agency within the State Library of Ohio. OPLIN has its own governing board, appointed by the State Library Board, and receives all fiscal and employee services from the State Library ( This allows OPLIN to spend only about 10% of its state budget on employees and other administrative costs.
- Is OPLIN part of the Ohio Library Council (OLC)?
While the Ohio Library Council ( was instrumental in the creation of OPLIN in the mid-1990s, OPLIN is not part of OLC. Rather, OPLIN and OLC are two separate organizations that both provide services to public libraries. As such, the two organizations often partner with each other to improve those services. (OLC is the professional association for public librarians in Ohio, not a government agency.)
- I have a question or comment regarding a particular area of the OPLIN website, OR I would like to suggest a link (or found a broken link) for the website. What should I do?
General questions, comments, or suggestions can always be sent to OPLIN Support. Thank you!